September 20, 2003

Poker Tournament


3rd Poker Tournament.
1. Anthony
2. Jesus
3. Jackson

Ramon lost to a girl. Dixie was a BIG LOSER

more pictures from the tournament

Posted by Kevin Jordan at September 20, 2003 02:13 AM

i also hate ramon and i am happy that he a GIRL.

Posted by: Isael Hermosillo at September 21, 2003 08:17 PM

Hello!! The girl that won Ramon does have a NAME.... RUTH PEREZ!!!

Posted by: Ruth Perez at September 22, 2003 08:15 AM

I would like to use some of your pics for a poker article.

It maybe made available in a regional or national magazine.

If you would like your pics to be in one of more of our poker articles email asap.


Ryan Smith
Freelance writer

Posted by: Ryan Smith at June 26, 2004 07:02 PM
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