“What I think I'll most remember about the blackout. I guess its the surprise... the surprise and wonderment of our leaders and the media that somehow there was no violence, that in 9 hours of darkness we didn't kill each other. What amazes me is have we really set the bar that low? Do we really as a nation and as a city deserve a gold star for not allowing a momentary power outage to instantly propel us towards cannibalism?
... And a quick memo to all feature reporters in general, and National Public Radio in particular, it was a blackout, the lights went out. It wasn’t a transcendent moment of civic unity, a poem. It was a blackout. It wasn’t a divine revelation of temporary crisis transforming New York into a shimmering city on a hill. The fucking lights went out, just for a little bit, like 8 hours.
... Ok, the city got bombed, then they mailed us anthrax, then they cut off the power and uh its real expensive to live here and uh we live in very small places and its very dirty sometimes and uh guess what? We’re not leaving. You can’t kick us out. I’ll be honest with you, none of us even like it here anymore, but we’re staying. You know why? We’re obstinate pricks. Remember that.”
–Jon Stewart
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart